Individual Therapy
Many people think that addiction recovery is only about detoxing from drugs or alcohol. Suboxone doctors can help you get clean. However, recovery is a lifelong process that includes many steps, tools and treatments such as individual therapy. It isn’t just staying clean.
One of the common treatments for addiction is individual therapy. The therapy sessions help people overcome cravings, prevent relapse, work through personal issues and create healthy habits.
Do you have an addiction? If so, our Long Island Rehabs team can help you get into a treatment program that includes individual therapy.
Reasons to Attend Individual Therapy Sessions During Addiction Treatment
Recovery from addiction is more than quitting your use of drugs or alcohol. Doctors can prescribe you Suboxone to help you get through the withdrawal process. However, abstaining from drugs and alcohol only handles the physical aspects of the addiction. People who have an addiction also need help to get their emotional, mental and spiritual health back intact.
Through individual therapy and the rest of addiction rehab treatment, you can have breakthroughs. These breakthroughs can help you to see that life without alcohol and drugs, even when difficult, is much better than using. If you want to grow in your recovery and turn your life around, our Long Islands Rehab team can help.
Some of the other reasons to attend individual therapy through an addiction treatment program include:
- Developing healthy coping skills so you can stop self-medicating
- Unpacking negative thought patterns and replacing them with healthy ones
- Putting your life back together even if it isn’t as you thought it should be
- Addressing challenges in your life, so you can learn to handle them without using drugs or alcohol
- Therapists support you in recovery, which lowers your risk of relapsing (accountability means a lot in recovery)
- Knowing your triggers and how to handle them helps to prevent a relapse
- Addressing trauma in healthier ways
These are some of the many benefits of attending individual therapy sessions while going to an addiction rehab center.
Here at Long Island Rehabs, we want to see you overcome your addiction. We want to help you in any way that we can.
Going to Individual Therapy
When attending therapy sessions, you will meet one-on-one with a therapist. Most patients will see the same therapist throughout their treatment. The reason for this is that you can develop a connection with the therapist. As you become more comfortable with the therapist, you are more likely to open up and share more about your life.
Working with our therapist one-on-one allows you to get to the source of your problems. Once you can uncover the root of those problems, you can work with your therapist to find healthy solutions.
Many people like individual therapy better than group therapy. They feel more comfortable talking about their personal life in front of one person rather than a group of people. In addition, you can get through more of your issues in individual therapy because the focus is on you. Group therapy can be beneficial for work on generalized topics.
There are different treatments that the therapist might use during your therapy sessions. These treatments might include:
- Psychoanalysis
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Skills development
- Challenging negative behaviors and thought patterns
Each person will have an individualized plan. The therapist will start with an assessment to determine what route will work best for you.
After you leave the rehab center, we recommend that you continue using the skills taught during your therapy sessions. By using these skills and the tools you learn about in rehab, you can have a more successful recovery.
Starting Treatment for an Addiction
Do you have an addiction to drugs or alcohol? If so, we highly recommend reaching out to our Long Island Rehabs team today. When you enroll in a rehab program, they will set you up with an individualized treatment plan that includes individual therapy. With evidence-based treatments, you can have a better chance of staying clean after leaving rehab and living a better life.
Don’t wait until your addiction takes over your life even more. Suboxone doctors can help you detox and therapists can help you work through your issues. Once you do that, you can start developing healthier skills for your recovering lifestyle.
Contact our Long Island Rehabs team today for more information on individual therapy and other addiction treatments.